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Wrestling Around the Globe


JGT Design






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'Wrestling Around the Globe' was completed as my final major project as part of my degree at the University of Salford

For my final major project at university I wanted to push myself and the skills I had learned over the last three years with Adobe Illustrator, creating 5 graphic posters.

I wanted to focus on different styles of wrestling from around the world as they all have distinct looks and features that set them apart. The styles I chose were American, Japanese, Mexican, British and Deathmatch wrestling. I have made many posters and graphics concepts before on Photoshop with image manipulation, but wanted to try and create a cleaner vectorised product with Illustrator as this is a program I've enjoyed getting to know over the last 3 years.

I decided to choose wrestling as my subject choice as it's one of the biggest passions and interests in my life. The blend of jaw-dropping, violent performance and limitless creativity and expression is something that can only exist in the confines of a professional wrestling ring and I wanted to try and capture some of that magic with these posters. 

Sort the posters into your favourites from best to worst and tweet them at me: @DesignJGT

Best                                                                                                                                                                                         Worst

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